A Life with Purpose (7-1-18)

The doctrines of Epicurus (founder of the Epicurean philosophers) and Zeno (founder of the Stoic philosophers) came into existence several centuries before the apostle Paul arrived to Athens.  History reveals that Epicurus lived in Athens from 341-270 BC and Zeno from 340-265 BC.  Both men, along with their disciples, fiercely…

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Forgotten Values (5-27-18)

During Pharaoh’s asinine refusal to obey Jehovah God’s commandment of freeing Israel, his kingdom suffered vastly from the plagues that came as a consequence of his defiance. Plague after plague, Egypt slowly became depleted to the point where Pharaoh’s own servants pleaded “How long shall this man be a snare…

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Just Five Words (5-6-18)

In deciding whether love is conditional or unconditional, may we read Romans 5:8 “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”  God Almighty loved us while we were still engaging in sin.  However, the Almighty made the first move of…

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