Welcome to our Southeast church of Christ website!
We are grateful with you for making time to inquire and learn more about us. As members of the body of our Lord Jesus Christ, our primary goal is to faithfully serve and worship our God in accordance with His word so that all glory may be His through His son (1st Peter 4:11). Understanding that we are epistles of Christ that are known and read by all men, we strive to show that we have been written by the Spirit of the living God (2nd Corinthians 3:2-3).
We believe that the one true God is to be worshiped in spirit and in truth for that is the worship He seeks and approves (John 4:23-24). We offer praises to our God with the fruit of our lips in song without the use of mechanical instruments (Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 13:15). We seek to sing and pray with understanding so that all in attendance may be edified and grow in the grace and the knowledge of our God (1st Corinthians 14:15-17, 2nd Peter 3:17-18). Our prayers are offered in the name of Jesus Christ to the Father so that the Father may be glorified by them(John 14:12-14). Every first day of the week (Sunday) we partake in the Lord's supper in remembrance of Him by eating unleavened bread and drinking fruit of the vine (Matthew 26:26-29, Acts 20:7, 1st Corinthians 11:23-26) and we make a collection for the saints (1st Corinthians 16:1-2, 2nd Corinthians 9:6-8). Also in accordance to His will, we assemble in fellowship and study our God's word together admonishing and exhorting each other to stir up love and good works with the whole truth of our God (Hebrews 10:24-25). We diligently work to present ourselves without shame before our God and preach with the purpose to convince, rebuke, and exhort with God's word His truth (2nd Timothy 2:15, 4:1-2). Finally, we press forward and try with our best effort to be the light of this world trying to shine bright to help lead all those who seek God find and glorify Him (Matthew 5:14-16, Philippians 2:14-16).
Therefore, we hope this will shed some light as to who we are and how we worship in spirit and in truth to be found approved servants of God. All of us here at the Southeast church of Christ invite and encourage you to come worship with us so that God may be always praised!
Obeying from the heart – Rom. 6:17 (8-22-21)
By: Phil Hopkins As a parent, from time to time we find our children trying us and the rules that we have set for them. One common ploy that they use; after they are caught doing something that they know that they shouldn’t have done is to try the excuse…
The Celestial Gift (Part XII) (8-15-21)
By: Obed Pineda In the winter of 57 – 58 AD, the Holy Spirit moved the apostle Paul (cf. 2nd Peter 1:21) to scribe what has repeatedly been referred to by the majority of Biblical scholars as the most profound of all of his epistles. Indeed, this widely agreed upon…
The Celestial Gift (Part XI) (8-8-21)
By: Obed Pineda While the Master and the Samaritan woman conversed in the presence of the twin mountains, Ebal and Gerizim, the Lord had discovered that she was unaware of Whom it was that spoke with her (cf. John 4:10). Slowly, the wool upon her eyes unraveled as their conversation…
The Celestial Gift (Part X) (8-1-21)
By: Obed Pineda Between the years 48 and 49 AD, the Holy Spirit inspired the apostle Paul to scribe his epistle directed to the church in Galatia. This letter was redacted in response to the alarming pace that many of the Galatians were returning to the old law. Their quick…
Love Thy Neighbor, but What About Your Enemy? (7-25-21)
By: Joel Ramirez I learn so much about behavior from watching my children. One child will come in from outside crying with the second one not far behind, also crying. As a parent, you have the challenge of finding out what happened. The first child is holding their head and…
The Celestial Gift (Part IX) (7-18-21)
By: Obed Pineda When questioned about the authority that gave them the power to heal a man lame for forty years (cf. Acts 3:1-10, 4:22), Peter boldly proclaimed to the members of the Sanhedrin, “let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by…
The Celestial Gift (Part VIII) (7-11-21)
By: Obed Pineda The inspired Paul wrote, “let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ” (Colossians 2:16-17). A proper exegesis (“critical interpretation or explanation…
The Celestial Gift (Part VII) (7-4-21)
By: Obed Pineda In literature, foreshadowing is frequently used to tease the reader about a dramatic event that will be taking place as one reads further on. Subtle clues that can easily be dismissed by the reader as insignificant or unimportant, typically reveal their value when the event it foretold…
The Celestial Gift (Part VI) (6-27-21)
By: Obed Pineda It is an undeniable truth that when conflicts arise between two parties, collateral damage is inevitable. The people closest to those engaged in a conflict are affected by the outcome, especially if a viable solution that leads to reconciliation cannot be reached. Depending on the gravity of…
The Celestial Gift (Part V) (6-20-21)
By: Obed Pineda In the West Bank of modern day Palestine, the Arab Village of Beitin is inhabited by an estimated amount of 400 villagers. Its source of water is supplied by four springs which in ancient times was supplemented by a reservoir carved in the rock south of Beitin.…