God’s Confidence in Mankind (4-15-18)

Trust is a treasured jewel that every person must guard and value wisely. Due to its delicate and fragile nature, it is important to understand the significance we hold to those who choose to deposit such a precious treasure into our hands. To have someone’s trust is certainly a great honor, but also an even greater responsibility. This is true because when a person elects to trust in us, they are exhibiting a high level of confidence in us. The parent who allows his child to accompany you is unquestionably displaying confidence in your ability to protect and care for their offspring because they are placing them into your care. With this allowance, the parent is communicating to you their full reliance upon you being a responsible adult. Certainly to gain a person’s trust is one of the greatest compliments a person can receive. It exhibits the level of confidence a person has in you to complete the task assigned to you by them. For this reason, it is unsurprising to realize why betrayal can be such an agonizing experience. Disappointment and sorrow displayed on the face of those who trusted in you, transform into daggers piercing deeply into your heart. Doubt and shame replace self-confidence and reassurance. Without a doubt, to know that you let down a person who trusted you, whom you admire and respect, weighs very heavily upon your conscience. However, what an amazing feeling if that same person expresses that they still believe in you despite your failure. How incredible to know that you are given a second opportunity to make amends for your shortcoming. A second chance given to you because of what you are capable of doing and not because of what you actually did. A second chance granted, because someone wholeheartedly believes in your potential. It is a fact of life that people in the world today rarely are willing to give anyone a second chance to repair the damage that has been done. This undeniable truth is what makes a person who remains confident in you even after your betrayal so special; so valuable. A prized treasure that anyone would be a fool to despise and squander away. Thus, what an outstanding revelation it is to learn that despite mankind’s betrayal “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16, emphasis added). This beautiful passage from Holy Writ is arguably the most known pericope in all of the world. Therefore, it is lamentable to know how little humanity truly understands what Christ is saying to Nicodemus. Although it is simple to comprehend that Jesus was teaching the Pharisee ruler His purpose for coming to the world, His affirmation of God’s confidence in His creation is often overlooked. This is so because we often focus solely on what God has done for us. In other words, the majority of people around the world limit John 3:16 to speak of God’s grace for mankind and miss God’s confidence in mankind. Notice that the Holy Spirit inspires John to write that God “gave” us His Son. This is a fantastic statement when we consider that man throughout his entire existence has always defied and betrayed God. We must also consider the reason why God gave us His Son. Once again, Holy Writ provides in this specific passage two magnificent reasons to answer this query. First, John scribes that God was confident in man’s ability to gain faith. Although God knew that not all men would believe, He still sent Jesus because man has the ability to believe. This is an important lesson because it proves that man chooses not to believe and not that he is unable to believe. Second, it reveals God’s confidence in man’s ability to reach heaven. Paul explained to the church in Corinth that God “will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able” (1st Corinthians 10:13, emphasis added). Not only does the apostle manifest God’s protection of man, but once more confirms that God trusts that man can conquer his challenges. If this were not so, the promise made by the Holy Spirit is that God would not allow it to happen. The same is true with the first coming of our Lord. Remember that God is an Omniscient being and does not make mistakes. For this reason, His confidence in mankind is wonderfully displayed in the presence of Jesus Christ. God would have never sent His Son if man was truly incapable of seeing His presence in Jesus. Indeed, it is marvelous to understand the magnitude of what God is saying in the selected passage. The reality that God has overlooked our shortcomings because He trusts in our potential to be holy is clearly seen in the

Incarnate Word (John 1:1, 14). The presence of Jesus on the earth not only revealed to mankind God’s plan for our salvation, but also His confidence in our ability to achieve it. Anyone can agree that it would have been cruel for God to send His Son on a fruitless mission. Instead, it must be a comfort for us to realize that Jesus is God’s way of granting us a second chance to make amends with Him. The Almighty entrusted mankind with His most prized possession; “His only begotten Son.” He displayed His belief in us by sending Jesus, thus Jesus also displays His trust in us by sending His bride. It is wise to always remember that the church is the bride of Jesus and His love for her is made manifest in His decision to give “Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:25-27). It is an unquestionable truth that any person willing to die for someone is motivated by love. Yet, it is also true that pure love cannot be if there is no trust. Jesus laid down His life because, like His Father, He believed in man’s potential of being holy. His faith in man was undoubtedly fueled by His love for man. It is this undefiled love that allows the Godhead to see the good in man and his true potential. It is His confidence in His creation what laid the groundwork in eternity for His magnanimous plan of salvation. It is undeniable that the Father would never have given the world His only begotten Son if He was not convinced that man could reach salvation. Verily, John 3:16 illustrates that God gave us a second chance because of the level of confidence He has in humanity to become better. May the merciful God be forever honored and praised!

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