Welcome to our Southeast church of Christ website!
We are grateful with you for making time to inquire and learn more about us. As members of the body of our Lord Jesus Christ, our primary goal is to faithfully serve and worship our God in accordance with His word so that all glory may be His through His son (1st Peter 4:11). Understanding that we are epistles of Christ that are known and read by all men, we strive to show that we have been written by the Spirit of the living God (2nd Corinthians 3:2-3).
We believe that the one true God is to be worshiped in spirit and in truth for that is the worship He seeks and approves (John 4:23-24). We offer praises to our God with the fruit of our lips in song without the use of mechanical instruments (Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 13:15). We seek to sing and pray with understanding so that all in attendance may be edified and grow in the grace and the knowledge of our God (1st Corinthians 14:15-17, 2nd Peter 3:17-18). Our prayers are offered in the name of Jesus Christ to the Father so that the Father may be glorified by them(John 14:12-14). Every first day of the week (Sunday) we partake in the Lord's supper in remembrance of Him by eating unleavened bread and drinking fruit of the vine (Matthew 26:26-29, Acts 20:7, 1st Corinthians 11:23-26) and we make a collection for the saints (1st Corinthians 16:1-2, 2nd Corinthians 9:6-8). Also in accordance to His will, we assemble in fellowship and study our God's word together admonishing and exhorting each other to stir up love and good works with the whole truth of our God (Hebrews 10:24-25). We diligently work to present ourselves without shame before our God and preach with the purpose to convince, rebuke, and exhort with God's word His truth (2nd Timothy 2:15, 4:1-2). Finally, we press forward and try with our best effort to be the light of this world trying to shine bright to help lead all those who seek God find and glorify Him (Matthew 5:14-16, Philippians 2:14-16).
Therefore, we hope this will shed some light as to who we are and how we worship in spirit and in truth to be found approved servants of God. All of us here at the Southeast church of Christ invite and encourage you to come worship with us so that God may be always praised!
Obeying God (5-19-24)
Phil Hopkins We must stop and think about what it means for God to be all knowing and all powerful. There are many who don’t consider what this implies. The fact that in his word or the revelation of his thoughts to mankind we will find perfection. I remember reading…
Will Being Rich Solve All Of Your Problems (5-12-24)
By: John Mitchell It has been said many times by many people, “If I could just win a million dollars, all of my problems would be solved”. I heard a true story about a family visiting a friend. When their friend was driving them around his town, they saw a…
The 5 Steps to Apostasy (4-28-24)
By: Orean Brown Some may ask what does apostasy mean? Apostasy in the bible means to intentionally fall away or withdrawal, from the faith. All throughout the bible we see examples of apostasy, and how God dealt with those that choose to fall away. Jeremiah 6:10-16 is a great example…
All Eyes On The Skies (4-14-24)
By: Obed Pineda Last Monday, a “once in a lifetime” event took place in the heavens that captured the attention of thousands upon thousands of spectators globally. Indeed, the total eclipse of the sun brought in an immense number of onlookers from all over the country to the regions where…
Tested by Sunlight (4-7-24)
By: Obed Pineda When studying Holy Scripture, it is valuable to remember that it was not originally written in any of today’s modern languages. It has long since been discovered, and verified, that the original manuscripts of Holy Writ were written in the ancient languages of Hebrew, Koine Greek, and…
The Gift That Must Be Spent (3-31-24)
By: Joel Ramirez From a very young age, it was impressed upon me that any time I got money for my birthday or as a gift, I needed to save it and use it wisely. My wife and I have had the opportunity to teach our children the same thing…
Contrasting the Faithful with the Faithless Pt. 2 (3-24-24)
by: Kevin Townsend In part one of this article, we saw David and Jonathan, through trust and faith, overcome the enemies of God’s people. Using the wisdom of men, their actions were unimaginable and impossible; yet, with God all things are possible. Now we turn to the negative attributes of…
Contrasting the Faithful with the Faithless Pt. 1 (3-17-24)
By: Kevin Townsend This two-part article will contrast the positive attributes of the faithful with the negative attributes of the faithless. Although the examples will involve physical warfare, these principles apply to the spiritual warfare each Christian must engage in today (John 18:36; 1Timothy 6:12a KJV “Fight the good fight of…
Truth and the Family (3-3-24)
by: Obed Pineda During his first imprisonment, the apostle Paul was inspired to write the letter to the Ephesians (cf. Ephesians 3:1) where his focus is the preeminence of the Church (cf. Ephesians 1:3-10). Paul used three wonderful illustrations to describe the nature of the Church and to demonstrate why…
The Key that Unlocks All Mysteries (2-25-24)
By: Obed Pineda For eons, the greatest thinkers in human history have sought to answer some of life’s most “complex” queries, with very little success. For example, one inquiry that always seems to elude their understanding is the “What is the purpose of life?” Many theories and analytical thoughts begin…